Aaryn Truman Photography

I'm Aaryn Truman and I'm a amateur photographer with a love for all things photography. I'm a High School Senior and have taken photography workshops and classes throughout my High School career and I plan on continuing my studies of photography in college.
I am a regular volunteer photographer for the Water Department of Dayton, Ohio, mostly photographing the Children's Water Festival (which I have done for man years now). In 2012, I also shot a wetland tour for the American Water Works Association. Also in 2012, my photos won first, second, and third place in the Montgomery County Fair photography contest. In 213, I placed first in the Dayton Metro Library's teen photo contest under the "Black and White" category.
As for current work, I shoot portraits for Seniors, familes, couples, pets, and more. I can also shoot parties, weddings, and other special events in your life. I also do some freelance work mostly shooting flowers and other nature stuff.